We are ecstatic!! The Monsoon season began yesterday. Huge clouds started forming over the Santa Rita's on Saturday giving us hope for the rains to come. It's been months since we've had any rain, and when it comes, we love to be in it. What makes the Monsoons special is not just the rain, but the absolute showy beauty that they bring. The huge clouds add depth to the mountains and the lightning shows are the best entertainment around. Of course there are a few downsides to the storms like bugs, dust devils and power outages, but they are well worth dealing with for such a wonderful, unique season here in hot, dry Southern Arizona.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Entering The Gaming Age

I never thought we'd have gaming in our house, but we had an opportunity we couldn't pass up. We were looking for an incentive to get Kervens to participate in tutoring this summer, and Karl's co-worker Jake offered us his old X Box with 12 games for free! So far, it's a carrot that works very well with the boys. As you can see, Karl likes to play, too. Vicki's favorite is the Tony Hawk skateboard game, Karl loves the racing one, and the boys will play anything. Now with an X Box in the house, I'm thinking that maybe a Wii Fit would be the perfect thing for me!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
English Language Learner

The education system is funny sometimes. Because English is Carlos' second language, he is classified as an "English Language Learner" or "ELL". He has been in ELL classes since pre-school. This past school year, we asked to have him discharged from the program because he was being taken out of class regularly and missing math. He didn't like the ELL classes, and it seems to us that his English skills are pretty darn good. He has some expressive issues, but he knows the words. It has nothing to do with language. The state of Arizona recently passed a mandate that all kids eligible for ELL will be in ELL class 4 hours each day starting this next school year. This includes Carlos. Parents have the option to have their kids opt out which we will do. The really crazy thing about all of this is Carlos took the Terra Nova test in April, and his score in language was 90 percent. That means his language skills are better than 90 percent of the other kids tested across the country! Go figure!
Update 8/26/08 - Carlos passed his recent ELL test. He's been labeled as "proficient". He will be tested over the next 2 years to make sure he stays that way. In the meantime, it means no ELL classes at school!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Hope For A New Life

Last week Kervens brought home this New Testament Bible and some Pesos. Karl and Kervens were returning to the shop when they saw an "illegal" near the train tracks. He crossed over to the pecan grove when he was spotted. Shortly after, Kervens saw the man's backpack sitting by a tree, and the man quite a ways down the track. Karl said that when the crossers are close to their destination, they try to blend in, and often leave behind any bags, backpacks and water bottles. Kervens checked out the backpack. Inside was a water bottle, mens and womens clothing, and this Bible and Pesos. The Bible has the name Irma written inside. Obviously a woman was travelling with this young man. What happened to her? Did she turn back? Get caught? Become injured or sick? I have to say that holding these few things that belonged to another person that was trying for a better life really touched me. I wonder about her life, where she was going, and what her hopes and dreams are. I pray she's OK. We often forget, when we deal with "immigration problems" that the "illegals" are people, and have needs and hopes and desires like we do - and many have the same faith and beliefs that I do. How would Jesus have us treat our fellow Christians (or any others for that matter!) that cross the border for a new life?
Monday, June 16, 2008
Going To The Cats

We weren't going to get anymore cats. I was considering fostering cats and kittens with a local group here, although Karl never warmed up to the idea. SO...we were coming out of Walmart Saturday morning, and Kervens said three very dangerous words: "Look mom, kittens!" There in a cage in the hot sun were these two cuties being given away for free. Now "free" scares me. What kind of people take a free cat? I stood there, kids begging, my mind churning - what kind of home will these kittens end up in? I asked the boy if he was going to sterilize the mom and while they're at it, all the rest of the animals in the house. "Please, mom, PLEEAASSEE!!" I knew I was being crazy, in fact, I wasn't thinking properly. That's what happens when I go to Walmart and there is too much stuff and the kids go crazy over all the things I COULD buy. I said "OK". The boy asked me which one I wanted. How insane is that? Of course we couldn't pick one, and leave the other behind. "We're taking both, and kids, your father is going to kill me." Vicki cried on the way home thinking her dad was going to be really mad at us all.
Karl walked into the garage, and was barraged by all three kids talking and making deals at the same time. He had no idea what they were talking about until he walked into the house and saw two gray kittens. His response "We can keep them - good thing they're gray!" The kids know they have to take a lot of the responsibility on their shoulders for these two; playing with them, feeding them, taking them to the litter box, and their favorite - cleaning the litter box.
We were told by the boy giving them away that the two were girls. Vicki was thrilled. After they were home a bit, I checked them out, and it was pretty obvious they are boys. Since we joked about them being Father's Day gifts, Karl had the privilege of coming up with names. Usually it takes us days to figure that out, but this time, it was pretty quick. Meet Felix (gray/white) and Oscar (gray).
It's loads of fun having two kittens. They love playing and sleeping together, and we have a ball watching them. Felix is smaller, thinner, more adventurous and playful. Oscar is bigger, a bit chunky, a little shy, and will fall asleep in your lap seconds after you start rubbing his neck.
Sydney (in picture above - our 17 y.o. female) and Frodo (other gray cat) are doing great with the kittens. Ollie and Sunny are curious, but a little on the threatened side. They'll be fine in a few days. Here's to healthy cats and cheap vet bills!!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

Vicki and Carlos gave Karl handmade Father's Day gifts; I think Karl liked them more than his MP3 player! The twins 2nd grade teachers were absolutely wonderful this past school year, and they made lots of wonderful memories. The teachers made sure that the dad's weren't left out just because school was out, so they had the kids make gifts before the end of the year.
These gifts are little "effigies" with traced hands and feet and drawn heads. Notice Vicki's painted nails, and Carlos' little curl on his forehead!
They also wrote poems. Vicki wrote Kittens Artistic Reading Laughing (acrostic for Karl) and "My dad has a cat it is Sunny". Carlos wrote "Dad, nice, funny, works, runs, welder, makes me nice things" Runs? Carlos said "well, once!" He also wrote "I love you so much. You make me things that are nice. You are the best, Dad." Awww!
By the way, Vicki's little acrostic was prophetic.....more on that next time!!
The Champions

Kervens Little League Majors team (the Diamondbacks) won the championship yesterday. It was supposed to end Friday night, but the lights went out, and they had to finish it Saturday morning. It was a great championship game. The Diamondbacks won all but three games all season, most of them were a washout, but they had to fight for the last game. The final score was 17-15. Kervens had his best hit of the year - three bases, and on the next hit, he made a run for home. It's been a long season, and we're glad it's over. Kervens had practices twice a week and usually two games as well. Games were at 7:30pm, so I missed most of the games to get Carlos and Vicki to bed on time. Carlos played on a coach-pitch team. We should've put him up to Minors, but at the end of last year's season, he didn't appear ready to move up. He's quite the little athlete. He'll do well next year. I hope Vicki's baseball career is over. She didn't play this year or last, although she claims she wants to play again. She played T-ball, and the only reason she played the whole season was because she got a hotdog after every game! I hope she sticks to soccer. So, we have a break from sports for two months while we get through 100+ degree temperatures. Now that's worth cheering for!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Dad Takes A Hit For The Team

Last night was a rough night at the ballpark. Kervens' team is in the midst of playoffs this week, and both Kervens and Karl came home with owies. Kervens was all scraped up from a slide into home (unfortunately, he was out), and Karl, well, a foul ball found him. He was standing by a tree and heard "heads up". Thankfully, he didn't look up, or he might've hurt his eye. As it is, he has a nice shiner underneath his eye - no pain, just pure beauty.
Karl has been a great baseball dad. This season Kervens had two practices a week and usually two games. Almost all of the games didn't even begin until 7:30 pm, so he went to ALL of them, while I stayed home with the "twins" and put them to bed on time. Even though he's not a big sports fan, nor has he played sports, he's the BEST sports dad!!
Thanks for all you do, Karl!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Girls Rule, Boys Drool

Saturday night coming home from the dog park with Buster, Carlos and Vicki would not settle down. It continued as they got ready for bed, until I really got on them to stop. The first reaction out of Carlos was "Vicki......" I said don't blame your sister, you need to take responsibility for your own behavior. To this, Carlos responded with great emotion and tears - "You think that Vicki rules and I drool? I SLOBBER?" I guess he really takes those playground sayings to heart! I had to pinch myself so I could stop laughing! Later, as I was tucking him in, I talked to him about respecting me and listening and obeying. His response: "But I'm only a KID!!!" Yes, Carlos, you're a kid, but you need to TRY!!! Carlos comes up with the craziest things! I'm really glad he's MY kid!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Walking The Dog
I meet a lot of interesting people and dogs on my daily morning walks. Of course, having Buster along opens up lots of doors. I walk in a neighborhood adjacent to ours that is 55+ only, and most of the people walking have their dog along. People know others by the names of their dogs, not the owners.
Max is a white Miniature Schnauzer who turned out to be about half the size of a giant Schnauzer. He runs ahead of his owner who is on a motorized scooter, thinking he is pulling her.
Missy is a little shih-tzu who often wears the latest style. Her owners see us, and say "look, Missy, here comes your friend Buster!" Of course Missy couldn't care less. Her mom always gives Buster a biscuit, so he's always thrilled to see her!
Buddy is a very friendly and playful Shepherd who scares Buster. His owner, John and I have been trying to get Buster to lighten up to no avail. John even shares some of his homemade jerky treats that both Buddy and John share, but it hasn't swayed Buster either. John takes Buddy for a walk regularly so Buddy can check his "mail".
Zoe is a miniature Yorkie who is very sweet, but she is pretty scared of Buster. Her owner is always thrilled to see Buster and says "Zoe, there's your friend Buster" but Zoe is shaking in her boots and showing her "submissive teeth". Buster is very kind to Zoe, but he's really hoping for a treat from her owner.
All of the people we meet are empty nesters, and now their dogs are their "kids". I know some day, when our kids are gone, my dog will be my "kid", too. Ya gotta have something to parent!
Max is a white Miniature Schnauzer who turned out to be about half the size of a giant Schnauzer. He runs ahead of his owner who is on a motorized scooter, thinking he is pulling her.
Missy is a little shih-tzu who often wears the latest style. Her owners see us, and say "look, Missy, here comes your friend Buster!" Of course Missy couldn't care less. Her mom always gives Buster a biscuit, so he's always thrilled to see her!
Buddy is a very friendly and playful Shepherd who scares Buster. His owner, John and I have been trying to get Buster to lighten up to no avail. John even shares some of his homemade jerky treats that both Buddy and John share, but it hasn't swayed Buster either. John takes Buddy for a walk regularly so Buddy can check his "mail".
Zoe is a miniature Yorkie who is very sweet, but she is pretty scared of Buster. Her owner is always thrilled to see Buster and says "Zoe, there's your friend Buster" but Zoe is shaking in her boots and showing her "submissive teeth". Buster is very kind to Zoe, but he's really hoping for a treat from her owner.
All of the people we meet are empty nesters, and now their dogs are their "kids". I know some day, when our kids are gone, my dog will be my "kid", too. Ya gotta have something to parent!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Giddyup Gals

I just have to share this picture and reminisce a bit about my trip in January that my friend Michelle treated me to. Last summer she made plans to come here to AZ for a "girls" vacation at Los Caballeros in Wickenburg, AZ. I can't believe how quickly January came - of course I was chomping at the bit to have time away from the kids and time with Michelle. The ranch was really beautiful and the accommodations very, very nice. We were on the "Giddyup Gals" weekend with lots of other women, who focused their time riding horses or spending time at the spa. We both love horses, and don't get enough time riding them, so we chose to ride horses all weekend. We went on a nature ride, and a couple of full out running rides, which were an absolute blast. I rode a Mustang - and golly I can't remember his name!! He was 20 years old, and was wild as a youngster. He could really go when he was ready! Michelle's horse was very steady, a little rough, and didn't like running a whole lot, which in the end, was a blessing. The very last run of the very last ride, my horse rounded a corner (the last one, of course!) and nearly ran into another horse who had fallen in a soft sandy spot. I was thrown off. Thank GOD I'm still here, and OK. I was pretty shaken and probably had a bit of a concussion, but got back on the horse (I refused to walk!!). It took about a month of special adjustments and massage to get back to normal. Next time I have a horse run, I'm wearing a helmet!
I had a wonderful, wonderful time with Michelle, and being with horses. We met some really interesting women - one who vacationed by herself once a year; one who was German and published a Southwest magazine for German readers; a mother and daughter pair who had stories that often seemed too unreal to believe, but they probably were true! The daughter works at a zoo in North Carolina. There was an ornery and foul ranch manager, and wonderful ranch hands - funny singers in the bar and friendly staff. We even got to see where Dan Quail's parents live! Whoopee! We had a wonderful naturalist named Dick who shared many things about the desert that I didn't know; but most definitely the BEST part of it all.....spending time with Michelle.
Thanks for the memories, Michelle!
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