[NY TIMES Photo of Debbie Phelps]
It's been a lot of fun watching Michael Phelps achieve history, but even more fun watching his mom's reaction to his wins. How can I be so presumptuous as to know why she cries? Of course she's utterly thrilled with having a child win a gold medal in the Olympics, but there is more. I have an
ADHD kid. Michael has
ADHD as well, and I KNOW the challenges Debbie had. Challenges with a hyper,
distractible kid, challenges with schools who may not see the full potential of your child, and challenges with folks who just have a hard time dealing with a child who isn't "normal".
Of course, I'm talking about Carlos. This morning, he drove me insane; just a few minutes after he got out of bed!! He was distracted by the kittens, a toy lying on the floor, seeing the plate as a flying saucer and doing anything and everything but keeping his butt on the chair and eating his orange. When I deal with a
distractible, hyper, giddy kid on a daily basis trying to accomplish simple things to get through the day, I get easily frustrated and impatient. Not only is our cute little Carlos
ADHD, but he's VERY strong willed and very smart. That all spells T.R.O.U.B.L.E. for a parent. Fifteen minutes after Carlos got up, I told Karl, who knew that Michael was
ADHD - " I know
EXACTLY why Debbie Phelps cries."
Debbie has already been through similar circumstances to what we're going through with Carlos.
The awesome thing is not only has she seen him overcome his challenges, but she's been watching him become a champion in the world's eyes. This kid who was teased because he looked and acted different has shattered world records.
Even though Carlos may never
achieve what Michael Phelps has, it helps me to focus on the future for Carlos and that the daily challenges we have are just temporary. Carlos' destiny may not be greatness in the world's eyes, but it WILL be in God's. He actually has already
achieved that in his young years solely because he is God's child.
You go, Michael; and Debbie, I'm crying right along with you!