Thursday, October 9, 2008

Elks Shoot-Out winner!

Kervens won 2nd place for his age division in the local Elks Soccer Shoot-Out. The Elks had a nice dinner and awards ceremony for the families. Kervens missed 1st place by only 1 point! Nonetheless, we're kind of grateful he didn't get 1st....that would mean driving to Tucson, Phoenix and potentially beyond for more competitions. Yikes! Maybe next year...
It's been a good soccer season, and we've had fun watching the kids play and develop their skills.
Congratulations, Kervens!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It's the little things that matter

I loved watching the giraffes at the Tucson Zoo cuddle and love on each other. I had a hard time walking away. It touched my heart to watch them show each other that they are loved in such a small way.

Small things really make a difference in our lives, especially when it comes to people. How often do we forget how important it is to show our love and concern for others even in little ways?
How often do we give a little hug, a pat on the shoulder, or even a smile to our family and friends?

I know I can get caught up in just getting through the day. Get the kids up, dressed, eat, and out the door for school. Rush, rush. Every so often, when I'm in my "HURRY" mode, Carlos will yell out to me "I love you momma". It makes me stop in my tracks every time. I pause, say "I love you, too, Carlos", and give him a little hug. He's pretty good at helping me focus. Pretty amazing for a kid who has a hard time focusing himself!!

Vicki helps me realize what's important in a different way. She follows me everywhere when she's home and is always looking for attention. I often try to forget she's attached to my side so I can get something done, but she's always there reminding me what's really important. She's growing so fast, and I really won't have my little girl at my side much longer. When I think of that, my heart gives pause, and then a bit of pang, as I realize my time with these kids really is short.

So often it takes just a little pat, a smile, a hug, a laugh, an "I love you" to help us focus on what is really important in our lives - our kids, our spouses, our family, friends and neighbors. People. Not things, not doing things, not having and getting, but being - being in the present moment with our loved ones so they can feel how much they are valued.