When I first saw this picture online, I really had to laugh; laugh because it's pretty darn cute. Then I started to think of my time working at a nursing home, and the activities the home offered, and they never offered fencing! What a great idea. I hope I never have to live in a nursing home or assisted living, but if I do, hopefully they'll have great activities.
I really admire the man teaching this class and the folks participating, even if they are using walkers. I'm reminded of my Granny telling me when I was 17 (and clueless) that even though she looked old, she still felt like she was 18 inside.
Now, almost ?? I can really understand. Too often we look at older people and only see what's on the outside - gray hair, wrinkles, slow movements and reactions, difficulty hearing and seeing, etc. But we need to remind ourselves that inside (who they REALLY are - their spirits) they are probably not any different or older than how we feel inside. Maybe just a little more mature - hopefully!