I thought Michigan had crazy weather!! Monday and Tuesday were over 100 degrees here in sunny Arizona, and then the wind started. Right now it's raining and 63 degrees. Unfortunately for the kids, they had their last day of school - "water day" today. Vicki was the only one of our three who dared to get soaked by the fire department. You go girl. Tomorrow isn't going to be any better, I hear. To be honest, I'm not complaining. I love windy weather (ok, it's a bit too windy today) and rain; the smell of creosote and moisture on the desert plants so desperate for water. I can almost conjure up the sound of waves pounding in front of me and the spray of water on my face. Maybe I'm the crazy one?! :) Don't get me wrong, I really love the desert and the temperate days, but I REALLY miss waves pounding on the shore and water splashing me as I'm sitting on the pier. Thankfully (thank you, Mom and Dad!!) we're visiting Michigan this summer, and I can experience the real thing!!
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