Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's "To-Do List"

One of my favorite comic strips is Non Sequitur. Until I saw it in the paper this morning, I was planning on doing a New Year's Resolution List; now it's a "To-D0 List".

I didn't make one last year, and just as expected, no goals were accomplished. Hmm. Two years ago, I had one goal - read a book a week. I exceeded that one, and it was fun!

This year, I have a few to add:

Deborah's New Year's To-Do List
  1. Read a book a week. Each month read at least one classic and one non-fiction
  2. Write in my journal everyday
  3. Spend less time on the computer
  4. Eat more organic food
  5. Make more H&B products rather than buying them
  6. Buy LESS
  7. Start a garden and learn how not to kill it
  8. Laugh more - life is SO short!

Now that I posted my list on the Internet, there's no losing it! I'll let you know how I do.

Ok, I'm getting off the computer so I can write in my journal and start that book!

I wish you all a blessed New Year. May you find joy and feel God's touch every day!

1 comment:

Kretyen said...

Way to go, Deborah!

I signed up on today and started making a list.

This is a *very* un-Ken-like thing to do. ;-)