Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Dad Takes A Hit For The Team

Last night was a rough night at the ballpark. Kervens' team is in the midst of playoffs this week, and both Kervens and Karl came home with owies. Kervens was all scraped up from a slide into home (unfortunately, he was out), and Karl, well, a foul ball found him. He was standing by a tree and heard "heads up". Thankfully, he didn't look up, or he might've hurt his eye. As it is, he has a nice shiner underneath his eye - no pain, just pure beauty.
Karl has been a great baseball dad. This season Kervens had two practices a week and usually two games. Almost all of the games didn't even begin until 7:30 pm, so he went to ALL of them, while I stayed home with the "twins" and put them to bed on time. Even though he's not a big sports fan, nor has he played sports, he's the BEST sports dad!!
Thanks for all you do, Karl!

1 comment:

Kretyen said...

Ah! There's the shiner photo.